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Bocklandt Dressage is run by Gaëtan Bocklandt, with some help behind the scenes of his girlfriend Teresa. 

Born in 1986, Gaëtan started riding at the age of six at the neighboring riding stables of his uncle, Jean Pierre Bocklandt, who already taught him from young age the importance of harmony and respect towards horses. 

After Jean Pierre's retirement and when the stables where run by Maya De Clercq, Gaëtan continued riding there and discovered all disciplines, from cross-country till voltige, in a very playful way. He had a pony called Mania and a 186 cm big horse Caprice. 
However, it quickly came clear his heart was with the dressage sport. 


At the age of 18, he started to work at dressage stables in Belgium and aboard, in the Netherlands and Germany. 

He has spend time taking care of and riding the horses of Stal Hexagon, Christophe Köschel and Edward Gal. This, together with his ingrained notice of respect and harmony, all helped forming his idea of dressage riding. 


Afterwards he started on his own, and discovered the joy of teaching and coaching riders and their horses. Nowadays this is still one of the main activities of Gaëtan.

Every day he tries to guide riders to become a rider which can connect and have fun with their horse.

Out of teaching and coaching, Gaëtan also started with a newer way of riding. Bitless or bridleless riding, is the best way to losen the break and refine the aids, which he tries to fit in during his lessons. 


Besides, he also loves to educate horses, often from young age. He successfully competed from young horse classes until Grand-Prix level with several horses. 


Do you want to know more? Check our "Activities"

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